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Online Background Remover

Automatic Or Interactive, Remove Background Of Your Images Whatever Their Complexity


AI-Powered Image Editing

Rely on Pixcleaner AI to get static shots with white or transparent backgrounds. It also features a built-in editor and a refiner to get the professional design and results you are looking for.

Instant Transparent Backgrounds

Thanks to our pretrained AI, you don’t have to loose time editing pictures manually anymore. Cut your editing time and budget effectively by removing image pictures automatically.

Removing Image Background Has Never Been So Straightforward

Increased Efficiency And Productivity

Handles Complex Images, Difficult Edges, Intricate Hair, You Name It!

Easy To Integrate Background Remover AP

Bulk Remove Image Background to save time

Use PixCleaner to get transparent Backgrounds from multiple images at once. Our tools allow for extra editing options on your pictures, such as adding custom layers, background edits with extra colors, templates, custom shadows, and more.

You can choose to spend hours customizing your images using expensive software. Or you can use PixCleaner (background transformation tool) for accurate and quick image editing.


Create Stunning Graphics

Wanna add extra layers to your pictures ? or crop, resize, or rotate your photos? then photo editor is the tool you need. It gets even more useful when you want to edit or apply the same transformation to all your picture at once.

Its smart layer system allows you to use background removal on each layer separately and then merge the results. It is still in beta but that doesn’t mean you can’t use it right now.

Get Full Resolution Images with Pricing

We are significantly cheaper than regular credits.



How many images can I process simultaneously through the API and the Pixcleaner website?

The API can process up to 120 images per 1 minute and up to 4 parallel requests (Running the background removal simultaneously).

The Website can process up to 60 images per 1 minute and up to 1 parallel request (Running the background removal simultaneously). Please, contact us if you need more.



PixCleaner for E-Commerce

It is proven that uniform and quality pictures get you more sales, so why waste your time editing every picture when you can use pixcleaner!

The one E-Commerce Tool you have been looking for!

Edit Less, Sell More!

The key to boosting your conversion rates is using top-quality and uniform pictures to attract more customers. It has been proven that harmonized picture content across your brand website will get you more sales.

By using the PixCleaner background removal and transformation tool, you are guaranteed to get the results you need. So head to the app right now and try it for yourself


Pixcleaner has a powerful and extensive photo editor that helps you edit and retouch your photos with intelligent features. There are many options like contrast, brightness, shadow, and other rectifying and retouching images.


Background Remover tools and API integrations
Enhance your app’s functionality with the background-removing technology that millions of merchants rely on each month.

Here is a curated selection of the top integrations for pixcleaner.com that can provide everything you need to generate transparent background images.

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