Liner AI

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Machine learning in a few clicks

Liner is a free tool that lets you train your ML models easily. It takes your training data and gives you an easy-to-integrate ML model. No coding or expertise in machine learning is required.

How does it work?

Liner is an end-to-end tool for training machine learning models without code. It uses your training data and gives a model which can be integrated with your application.

Easy steps to get your AI app ready

Liner lets you train your machine learning model with three easy steps.

  1. Import your data

    Import your data and view it within Liner. You can also use a pre-labeled dataset.

  2. Start training

    With a press of a button Liner will automatically choose an appropriate model and train it.

  3. Deploy your model

    Export your model to a variety of platforms and easily integrate it with your application.

Several project templates

Liner comes with several ready-to-use machine learning types. Just select the type and add your data to start training.

Image Classification

Train a model to classify an image into various labels.

Text Classification

Train a model to classify some text into various labels.

Audio Classification

Train a model to classify sounds into various labels.

Video Classification

Train a model to classify a video clip into various labels.

Object Detection

Train a model to detect objects in an image.

Image Segmentation

Train a model to segment pixels of an image.

Pose Classification

Train a model to classify a pose into various labels.

Optimized for speed and accuracy

Liner uses state-of-the-art models which are both accurate and fast to train. In most cases, the model is trained within minutes.

No GPU required

Models are optimized so that training is fast on CPUs as well.

Edge optimized

The trained models can be used on mobile / edge devices. Several platforms are supported.

Example Projects

Liner makes it very simple to train and deploy machine learning applications. You can build applications like these very easily. All you need is some training data!

Export your model anywhere

Liner lets you export your trained model to several platforms.

Data Privacy

Your data is always protected and never leaves your computer.

Community Support

Want new features? Let us know and we would love to help you.

Public Datasets

Download free to use datasets to train your machine learning model.

Watch Tutorial

Liner is very easy to use. Watch how to easily train your ML model.

Liner is a free and easy-to-use tool that runs on both Windows and Mac.

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